Crosswind Elementary School
2023 National Blue Ribbon School Profile
Building a deep knowledge of our students is a priority for teachers and staff. We take time to connect with our students' passions and their families. These family connections have created a dynamic PTA that supports our teaching staff, improves our school facility, and offers multiple educational and fun family events over the course of the year. These relationships also support our English Learners and their families.
This deep knowledge of our students is the result of ongoing use of benchmark and formative assessment data. Teachers meet in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to identify mastery of grade level standards and student strengths and challenges. Teachers and administrators come prepared with the data already analyzed, freeing teachers to identify the best strategies for reteaching and extending learning. Our PLCs and PD not only provide time for teachers to learn new strategies, but also how to work in small groups and individually with students who have different learning styles, school experiences, and language challenges. At Crosswind, we recognize and value the expertise within our own building. Another significant priority is that instructional time is protected. We are a 1:1 device district and value the use of technology, with the understanding that nothing is more effective than face-to-face instruction.
Crosswind Elementary School has deliberately built a community that supports students, teachers, staff, and families. We firmly believe that it is impossible to educate the mind without educating the heart as well. Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.